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June 13, 2004


Stephen J. Gendzier

Hey Cathy, my wife, Rhea, and I stopped by your vineyard about 8 years ago and you treated us royally. We have been loyal fans since that date. Today, David Bove stopped by to deliver my mixed case of your 2006 Gewurzes. I hope they are better than the mediocre vintage, but I have faith. Friday he will deliver one case of the Gewurz 2005 Reserve, which should be good. Hope your kids are thriving and that you continue to be a lovely, sweet, generous, attractive lady. In any case, you have fans in Lexington, MA. best regards, Steve Gendzier


Hi Catherine,

My name is Tiffany. My mom contributed to some geaneology findings - http://www.frontiernet.net/~wderoche/faller.html#greet - and we discovered that we are related to you. Hope this finds you well.

My mom did some geaneology and discovered Faller/Fallier relatives in France, specifically in the Alsace wine region. I suppose that is you:) Anyway, I'm traveling to France in April and wanted to meet as many other Fallers/Falliers as I can. Would you be interested?


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