Domaine Gerard Schueller is a winery located in Husseren Les Chateaux, a few kilometers south-west of Colmar. Gerard and Bruno Schueller work on 7 hectares , of which more than one hectare in Pinot Noir ( 40 ares of Pinot Noir were bought in 1993 ) . Bruno Schueller follows on the whole the biodynamic rules, but the estate did not sign up for the formal membership and certification. The winemaker is very independant-minded and says the goal must remain central : to be free to make the wine you want . So, if it can be said that he works with "biodynamics" , he wants to stay free from strict frames, and keep the focus on elaborating his wine .
He does pruning and some topping of the vines . He considers topping (cutting some of the leaves and canes to limit competition between leaves and grapes) a trauma for the vines which brings disharmony in the plant-system and unnecessarily increases the volume as a reaction . So he prefers pruning (pruning is done in winter, and consists in cutting and shortening the vine's extremities), which results in smaller foliage volume, with the result that there is little need of topping later in the year .
The cellar in which Bruno Schueller speaks about his work and where we are going to taste is very cool , even cold , especially compared to the 30 ° C or so outside . This is the natural cool temperature of the place as he doesn't use any air-con .
So, now he takes some wine samples directly from the casks :

2 : Pinot Noir 2003 "Cuvée LN012" This cuvée was inaugurated in 1997 and named for its extremely low SO2 level : 12 . In 2003 , tanins are more present . Stays alive , though .
3 : Pinot Blanc 2003 .
4 : Riesling Pfersigberg Grand Cru 2003 Cuvée "H" .The big casks are not full , but still no SO2 added . He checks regularly how the wine behaves .
5 : Riesling Eichberg 2003 . Superb nose . Has this something on the tongue as it comes directly from the cask . I like it . Rich . residual sugar .
6 : Pinot Noir "Chant des Oiseaux" 2001 . This is a bottle , for a change . Very rare . He makes 300 bottles a year . Nose is very characteristic .

I'm very pleased to discover your site. Beautiful pictures and interesting commentaries - and an excellent choice of winemakers!
Pleased to see Bruno Schueller here, whom I discovered about 5 years ago and who is realy a passionating character making very personal wines.
I love his whites - which we drink very often at home. And I really appréciate his Pinot Noirs - so different from mine in colour and expression, coming from the north - but which belong to the same family of wines with a personality, you love or you hate them - no smooth "pass partout" here.
Perhaps the common features are the practice in the wineyards and in the cellar, as you give them in your texte - then the difference is really "terroir".
I'll come back more often to your webside to discover your "trouvailles".
Posted by: Iris | February 11, 2005 at 09:45 AM
I recently found your site and I really enjoy it. I would suggest you consider a visit to Domaine de Mourchand in the Cotes-du-Rhone village of Seguret. Great wine, great location, wonderful owner/winemaker.
Posted by: bob molder | January 19, 2006 at 08:20 PM
What is Bruno Schueller's email addres?
Does he have any website?
thank you.
Posted by: Carlotta | July 20, 2009 at 02:54 PM
No, Carlotta, I don't have other information
Posted by: Bertrand | July 20, 2009 at 05:54 PM
Nous sommes membres d'une confrérie de vin. Notre sommelier s'appelle Emmanuel HIEL,; il est membre de l'AVN. Nous visiterons la région d'Alsace avec 13 membres de la confrérie entre le 14 et le 17 avril prochain.
Nous aimerions visiter votre maison le vendredi 15 avril 2011 vers 11.15 heures: serait-ce encore possible svp?
En attendant votre réponse, nous vous souhaitons une heureuse année 2011!
Bien à vous,
Posted by: JAN JACOBS | January 15, 2011 at 08:34 PM
I had the Pinot Blanc last night. & thought it was excellent.
Posted by: mjr | May 25, 2013 at 02:26 PM
BonjourJe peux etre chez vous samedi 4 Novembre à environ 15.00 heures.Est-il possible d'acheter du vin à l'époque?
Poul Mortensen
[email protected]
Posted by: Poul Mortensen | October 06, 2017 at 10:45 AM