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June 11, 2004


Eloise Stewart

Dear Sir,
I am an A-level student at Lady Margaret School in Fulham, London. I am currently doing my Chemistry coursework and am investigating the varying amounts of acidity in wine due to the grapes being harvested at different times. To make sure it is a fair test I would like to analyse different wines which were produced from the same type of grape in the same vineyard and therefore the same soil, in the same year; one that is produced from the grapes harvested early, and one produced from the grapes harvested late.
I was wondering if you could possibly suggest which wines to investigate, that are produced from the same grapes, but just harvested at different times. Perhaps, two white wines from one vine harvested at different times of the year, and two red wines from another vine, harvested at different times of the year. Also, if you could possibly let me know where I can buy these wines.
Thank you very much for your time,
Eloise Stewart


la pipi d'ange

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