Domaine Saint Benoit was created in 1989 with the merging of three old family wine producers . It works on 26 hectares and also has a dealer activity , selling under its name wines selected among the best in the region , but out of the Chateauneuf du Pape Appellation .
They apply on their own Chateauneuf Du Pape production the strict rules of the Appellation . One of these rules is the separation in the vineyard itself , at harvest time , between the best matured grapes , due to make the Chateauneuf Du Pape wine , and the "rapé" , or lesser quality grapes , that will be used to make more ordinary wine . Here they strictly apply this practice , with the use of blue picking buckets for the best grapes , and red buckets for "rapé" . They even make a second selection among the blue buckets grapes to fine tune the first selection .
Maximum yield is 35 hectoliters/hectare .
Domaine Saint Benoit is one of the rare Chateauneuf Du Pape Domaines to effectively have the 13 different grape varieties . They are separately vinified and even more , some have separate vinification depending of the vines age .
They also work separatelythe press wine and the free run wine , called here "jus de goutte" .
1 . We tasted first Chateauneuf du Pape 2000 Domaine Saint Benoit Vieille vigne de Roussane . Vineyards on a very poor soil , called here "fersial" , as an abreviation of its composition (fer-si-al) .Very red soils . Low yield . At ambient temperature , fennel , lemon aromas . At colder temperature , honey aromas . Powerfull in mouth .100% Roussane variety . 13,5 °. 25,1 Euro . Vats used for this wine , no casks .

2 Then we tasted a wine they deal : Vin de Pays de Vaucluse .Merlot 2003 . Black cherry . Black currant . 14 ° . 4 Euro .
3 Then Cotes du Rhone Villages St Benoit . Made in normal vats . 13,8 ° . 6,9 Euro . Pleasant nose . Some smoky aromas . Wine coming from Le puy du Maupas in Puymeras .
4 Then Cotes du Rhone Villages 2000 Cairanne 2000 . Vats . 14 ° .made by Terrasse du Belvedere in Cairanne . Spicy , some leather . Wood fruits , blueberries . Complexity and elegance . Very nice wine .9,3 Euro .
5 Domaine Saint Benoit Chateauneuf du Pape 2001 . Olives , "Garrigue" aromas , reffering to the dry brushwood growing on Provence hills ... 14 ° . 16 Euro .
Nice wine selection . We tasted these wines in the Domaine's tasting room where you can also buy the wine . Domaine Saint Benoit exports to countries in Europe , to the United States , to Australia and othert countries in Asia . They are located in Chateauneuf Du Pape . Phone : 0033 (0)4 90 83 51 36 . [email protected]

Comment on doit payer pour un groupe de 40 élèves (16à17ans)
(Nous organisons un voyage en Provence et nous sommes intéressés)
Merci en avant
Posted by: Wicheleer Glenn | April 08, 2006 at 08:30 PM
Gostaria de saber qual é o valor da garrafa do chateauneuf du pape safra do ano de 1974 em euros?
Grato Valdinei Maciel
Posted by: valdinei fernandes maciel | July 05, 2006 at 04:17 PM