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October 03, 2004



Wow, you visited to Jacky preys winary. I love his pino noir. I sometimes buy it from my favorite wine shop in Yokohama, Japan. The shop name is SHINKAWA and The owner, Mr Takenouchi always imports nice wines from France. He treats some wine that you've wrote on this Blog. Anyway, This wine makes me comfortable. It's not spectacular, but It's REALLY good. I like the wine like that as a daily wine. It wasn't so expensive for me.

Einar Moos

Hi Bertrand,

just ran into Jacky unloading his truck boulevard Port Royal chez La Petite Cave. He invited us to his latest discovery - seulement un fou comme moi peut faire ça - of chardonnay "bourru" - just fermented grapes, not yet wine. It looks like an impenetrable maze of grapejuice with enough alcohol to still the world. Jacky is producing some of the best experiments in wine and he is rewarded by the AOC label for Valençay, white or red.

Jacky left this morning in his truck at 2am from Valençay, dropping off boxes of wine on the road, explaining his unpolitical politics of wine making.

I told him all about your excellent photographs and he was pleased. Specially about the post from Yokohama!




hello and nice to meet you, einar.
I've found your message now. I just wanna say, I'm very happy to know that Jacky was pleased the post of mine. I like this Blog and the photographs. I'm looking forward to the update here. I sometimes feel that it would be nice if I could go to France when I see those photographs. I'm relieved that this Blog is writen in English at least. I should learn more English and French to understand more deep. einar, enjoy the wine~

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