December 15 . Winter is officially beginning in less than a week , but it feels as it was already there . Two nights ago in this area of the Loire valley, temperature was as low as minus 4 ° C, and each morning the landscape is frost white, at least the grass . It is time for winter work in the vineyard : Pruning . Here, between Meusnes ( in the Loir et Cher departement ) and Lye ( Indre departement ) ,like elsewhere, workers can be seen cutting the vine canes and occasionally burning them in a "brouette" ( pronounced "berrrouette" in the region ) that they move along as they progress in the rows . These sort of improvised wheeled burn cans are used since immemorial times all over France .

The smoke trail in the wine regions often leads to these antique rusting lying barrels on wheels . That's how I spotted activity while driving on a side road . I then took a dirt road among the vineyards and found these two workers working among 15-20 years old Cabernet Sauvignon vines near one of these historic "loges de vigne" , built at the end of the 19th century to shelter workers . I talk a while with Frederic Ortega ( the one with the beret ) about the work . They happened to work for Jean Francois Roy Vineyard ( 3 rue des acacias 36600 Lye ; phone +33(0)254410039 ) . I have been several times to this winery in Lye to buy bottles . Frederic said this weather was not too bad , even if early morning was quite cold . At least it did not rain , and the stove helped endure the frost bite . He told me that in the region on the whole , pruning was done between nov 15 and end of march . Here at Jean Francois Roy vineyard , it began december 1st and would probably last until mid-march . Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon canes are usually burned as a precautionary measure to guard against potential diseases . The barrel-stove has big holes underneath and ashes fall between the ranks . Standing near the comfort of the glowing red hot embers , he waved to show the different vineyard plots they are working on , near this loge de vigne : Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc . As for most vineyards , Jean Francois Roy plots are scattered among different villages .

Resuming work , he moved the burn can along . Asked about the pruning , he said it was a pre-pruning , a winter pruning , and that a second passage would occur in spring, to slow the new shoot and control sap vigor . Past and present collide with side by side, the antique stove on wheels, and the battery powered secateurs . The battery is this orange thing on their back . These battery powered pruning tools make work easier . A typical day like this means cutting thousand of canes, wich has to be done with hand . I heard this tool was first invented in France in 1985 , and helped prevent many muscle and joint injuries . But this is still a hard work . Often thick misty fog in the early morning, with freezing temperatures . When the sun comes through later in the day, it makes , with the heat of the stove , the best conditions for work . The plots they work on are on Touraine Appellation . Jean Francois Roy is a Valencay wine producer, and like other Valencay AOC producers, he also has vineyards plots not located on the AOC geographical zone . The carving out of the Valencay Appellation zone from terroir and soil specifics has some times Touraine and Valencay plots closely intermingled . On this picture shot from ground level ( upper right ) , you can see a big silex "pierre a fusil" stone, typical of the area . Some vineyards , especially in the Valencay plots, have a very thick density of these stones .
Jean Francois Roy works with his wife . Permanent staff includes three workers . Altogether 27 hectares , of wich 12 hectares on Touraine (near the village of Meusnes ) and 15 hectares on Valencay ( near La Vernelle and Lye ) . 80-100 000 bottles .

Dear sir,
I am interested in working in vineyards, I learn really fast, and grew up around farms, I am currently in Europe, and would love to work at the vineyards for a serious length of time, 3 years at the least, I love France and it,s history especially that of Champange and Lorraine. I am 22 years old, and in great phisical shape, I used to work construction, and weather doesn't bother me. Please contact me at [email protected], so I could recieve more information about possible long term employment. I am hard working, and dedicated to doing the best work I can. I await your response. I do not speak French, but am eager to learn. Sincerely, a wine lover, Kevin
Posted by: Kevin Jones | November 01, 2005 at 10:26 AM
Dear Mr. Roy,
My great grandfather left Alsace Lorraine in late 1893. He arrived at Ellis Island, U.S.A. in February 1894. He returned to France in 1897 when his father died and after the funeral returned to the U.S.A. with his sister. His name was Michael L de Julien. I have been told that in France his name was Michael Laurence Julien. His sister's name was Marie Julien. I do not know their father's name but he lived in the Alsace area and either owned or worked a vineyard. So you know any of the historical legends of the peoples of that area that you could share with me. When I look up the vineyards, I see my maiden name (Julien) but I am not sure why. The only de Juliens I can find in United States currently ar my own family and I am trying to figure out if I have relatives in France or if Julien was just a very common name from way back then. I hope you can help me to piece things together.
Yvonne (de Julien) Allan
Posted by: Yvonne Claire (de Julien ) Allan | April 02, 2006 at 05:08 AM
Mon ami et moi viennent au loire en septembre pendant des vacances et pour rechercher le travail, nous sommes de 49 ans de jeunes, nous adaptons et très able.We ont eu nos propres affaires en Angleterre et sont alimentés vers le haut avec la course de rat, nous aimons la France et nous allons faire notre nouvelle vie là, si nous pouvons trouver le travail que nous regarderons pour acheter un espoir de propriété que vous pouvez nous aider, nous apprenons le français. Beaucoup de Mercis. Sincères amitiés Jane Betts et le Reich de Paula
Posted by: MS Jane Betts | July 19, 2006 at 07:13 PM
Cher Monsieur:
Mon nom est Regine at j'ai un vrai interet de travailler a son ferme-la. Pardon. Il y a long temps que j'ai parle francais mais je voudrais apprendre l'art de cultiver le vin francais. Je sais que il y a beacoup de types de vin francais mais je veux commencer a etudier avec vous dans votre ferme.
J'ai habite en France il y a 10 annees et j'adore le gens, le pays, la nouriture et, a fin, le vin. Si vous necessitez aider y il ne vous derange pas enseigner un etranger les metiers francais, je vais travailler tres bon pour vous.
Merci bien,
Regine d'Amerique
Posted by: RaeGina Covington | October 14, 2006 at 02:30 AM
im sending you this mail.. im not sure if you gonna get it ...
but im looking for a wine yard to work at, im from sweden / norway..
and i have a big intresting for wine.. and would lite to now more about wine..
and i mabe hope you can help me...
i will work for free.. if i can have a place to stay at and som nice food =)
please send back a e-mail... take care / daniele
Posted by: daniele | February 03, 2007 at 02:54 PM
Hi there, I was just wondering if you take people on for work all year round? I would love to come and live in France for a time to improve my french and learn all about wine-making and it's culture.
I'm from a farm in Scotland so am very used to all sorts of weather and love being outside.
Thanks for your time, Ailidh
Posted by: Ailidh Dunlop | February 24, 2007 at 11:03 PM
hi our family is learning french languge and visiting in France. we love France and our ancestors were French. We love all regions and will live in France soon.
Posted by: | March 29, 2007 at 08:58 PM
Bonjour Monsieur,
Moi cousin et moi recherchent le travail en France. Nous sommes deux filles australiennes assidues. nous parlons peu francais, et aurons nous visas fonctionnants prets a commencer le travail en julliet. Nous avons l'experience travailler aux ferms dans la cueillette de fruit de l'australie, l'embellage et tout autre travail general de main de ferm. nous attendons avec interet, votre response, et si tout va bien vous pourriez nous aider!
Belinda Barrett et Jerusha Gurney
Posted by: Belinda Barrett | May 22, 2007 at 02:23 PM
Hi Belinda
What you need to know is that many vignerons would be happy to hire you when they need someone in the vineyard for various tasks including the harvest.
_You need a valid work visa or the vignerons would risk big fines if they hired someone without one.
_If you can lawfully work in France, then don't hesitate to call the estates in advance : use Skypeout, which is a very affordable way to call overseas if you call from the other side of the world.
_In many cases you'll have to find your own accomodation for the night. When the vigneron will know you better, he/she may find a room or some place for you to stay. The estates used to let the harvesters sleep in their facilities, but some stupid law edicted a few years ago set quasi-hotel-norms for the harvesters quarters and most vignerons stopped right away to house them (typically french counterproductive laws...).
Posted by: Bertrand | May 22, 2007 at 07:07 PM
I see that you have many postings from people looking to work on your farm. I am equally as enthusiastic and would love to help. Do you offer any positions or know of any contacts?
Thank You,
Jocelyn Jones
Boston, MA USA
Posted by: Jocelyn Jones | February 25, 2008 at 02:12 AM
Dear Sir,
I am a young student from Sout Africa (fluent in English and French) who would love to come and spend my long December holidays working for you in the year of 2009...I know it is very ahead of time but would you be needing anyone by then?
Posted by: Anne Beltran | October 15, 2008 at 01:46 PM
i am a wine student from the uk and looking for vineyard work over the december break.
Posted by: roy hallam | November 04, 2009 at 11:35 PM