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February 12, 2005


the caveman

It's too bad that the Saint Bris isn't more widely know for it is one of the more interesting Sauvignonsd that Frandce has to offer (at a reasonable price as well). Excellent travel log.
The Caveman

Stéphane Erler

Bravo pour le site. Les photos sont superbes! A mon avis, vous faites (gratuitement) un meilleur travail pour la promotion du vin français que la plupart des (couteuses) campagnes officielles. And you write in English, dispelling the myth that the French don't like this language!


I had the most delicious Bourgogne cotes d'auxerre corps de gard chardonnay - at Au Bon Accuielle in Paris (great restaurant, highly recommend it too). I'm trying to find a case or two to buy - where can I buy it in the UK? Please help! I'd love to visit the vineyard one day...happy dreaming!


You can get Goisot at Theatre of Wine (http://www.theatreofwine.com/) in SouthEast London, though it's hard nowadays to get ahold of the Corps de Garde Pinot Noir.

jacques Vivet

Magnifiques, ces souvenir sur écran des beaux vins des goisot qui montent au pinacle ces vins d'Auxerre. L'expression des cépages et des terroirs est magnifier par l'art de la cob*nduite de la vigne et des vinifications. Ces vins pédagogiques goutés à l'aveugle, rivalisent avec les appellations consacrées.

Donna MacDougall

I work a retail tasting room in North Carolina and am enjoying your 03 Corps de Garde presently. I have worked with a French wine importer, mostly Bordeaux and Champagne for 12 years, but I needed more info on this region and your wine. My wine books and indeed the internet are sorely lacking adequate notes on the area. Thank you for your interesting site. Your pictures make me want to visit one day soon.

goisot ghislaine

Merci et mes sincères félicitations pour le reportage et les magnifiques photos.
Bien cordialement.

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