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January 04, 2006



Bertrand, it's been a while since we've seen an update. Looks like a wonderful wine bar to visit. I wish we had more such establishments here in SF.


Happy new year! I'm looking forward to where you go and take photos in 2006.


Enjoy a glass at the bar but avoid eating there. The food is below par and when paying 129 Euros for a bottle, I'd expect for the table to at least be served when glasses started to empty. The rest of the bottle went home with one of the staff. Bad food and poor service when eating.


Very poor and unfriendly bar staff, did not enjoy my stay at this bar. OVERPRICED !!!

Marie Johnston

Willie's is one of my favorite 'go to' places in Paris... I've NEVER had a bad meal there, perhaps a thing or two I wasn't crazy about, but it was perfectly prepared and nicely served. I find the prices reasonable and the service friendly though quite relaxed (which I rather like) If you are in a hurry, sit at the bar!

PurpleTeeth of Fullerton, Calif., USA

When my wife and I visit Paris, this is a "must-do" experience: dinner at Willi's! It's our new Paris hangout.

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