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March 26, 2006


Jamie G

Thanks for this great report. I had a Foillard wine recently and it was fantastic - so smooth, elegant and harmonious.


I haven't tasted any Foillard wine yet. the color of the glass seems like very natural. I guess, I can drink it smoothly. and it would be the one I like.


I did a comparative tasting between Lapierre, Foillard and Thevenet and Follard came out on top...however, the king for me is still Métras in Fleurie... If you can get there I would love to know more...


This wine personally took a while for me to "get" (American expression), but once there, I truly enjoyed it and it was well worth the evening of pouring to understand and enjoy what it had to offer. My first impression of the nose was that it had a very "earthy" or wet barrel scent and I found it intriguing as many California wines, which I am used to drinking, have much more immediately noticeable characteristics (major generalization, I realize). Anyhow, upon researching this wine on-line and ultimately reaching this site, I was pleased to read that you implement a very natural process of wine making as it truly does show in your wine. Well done, thank you. I will be off to Kermit Lynch for another bottle.

eddie brown

Chugged it down ("cot du py" morgon, 05.) enjoyed every drop,and got a pleasant buzz indeed....
thanks bro.


I am onto my second glass of a Morgon Cote du Py 2006. It is very, very good. It has some Pinot Noir qualities to the nose. Nice complexity. I am looking forward to exploring the rest of the bottle this evening as the rain is coming down hard outside. Cheers!

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