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November 10, 2006


Jim Kay

Don't forget all the chemicals applied to the vines to prevent fungal attacks, some of which are systemic and carried into the grapes and wine. You know why they have to add yeast to the must? The fungicides kill the naturally occurring yeasts on the grapes. Also, insecticides are used that may leave residue on the grapes. These may also find their way into the wine.

This raises the question: What's worse a genetically engineered vine that resists fungal attack, or a "natural" vine soaked in chemical protection?


You make a point. I guess organic/biodynamic growers will say that there's a third way to avoid the dilemna.


In Japanese sake, Almost all of the sake brewers use the yeasts made by the national society, "Brewing Society of Japan" since Meiji era. Because they needed to stably supply it. but it's said that they lost their own characters in each region, I think it's kinda terroir in French. Some of the brewers use some wild yeast living in the region. They think that the pure culture yeast come to be weaker than living in nature, because the culture yeast live in a favorable situation, no enemies. Meanwhile, the wild yeast have to survive. they think it can bring a good effect to Japanese sake. If the addictives is just to make wine technically, it'll harder to grow grape and make wine though, I prefer usual wine.


I guess the new trend is affecting much of the world


Great article. I wish wines had a simple list of ingredients. That way, consumers could choose what to drink and what not to drink.


I think this is one of the most important things that anyone who drinks wine in this world could read. I sell wine for a living, and it disgusts me how people that hold themselves to such a high standard in the rest of their lives (cosmetics, food, etc...) do not apply the same standards to the wine they drink. It's not their fault though! As a consumer we have no way to know what is in our wine. Wine should be subject to the same regulations that food is and should have an ingredient list on the bottle. I think people who agree with this need to start getting organized and putting pressure on our governments to make this happen. The chemical companies have much more money then we ever will, but the organic movement has proved that it doesn't matter. People deserve to know what they are putting in their bodies.
Thank you Bertrand for this article.


What I find intriguing is that it is apparently possible to taste the difference between natural wine and confected wine. I'm not sure its even that difficult for anyone who decides to pay close attention. Of course, training one's palate would only be helped by verification through documentation of ingredients.


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Good article, however as a wine producer I feel I have to point out that the problem with an "ingredient list" on wine bottles is that many of these additives (yeast, tannins, nutrients, etc.) are added to the wine during fermentation and then settle out or are filtered out of the wine. So, while they may have had an effect, there is little to no residual substance left in the wine, making it difficult to measure quantitatively.


Guys like Steiner, Fukuoka and Goethe know for sure that modern agro is always working in the mineral sphere, that avoid the other six spheres of life like the constelational, solar, atmospheric, soil diafragma, silica-calcium and magma spheres.
Real Biodynamics from Antroposophy work with the 7 spheres. If winemakers open their minds to these philosophic impulse with real conciousness, they`ll find out that their grapes don´t even need SO2. For now only a few winemakers in the world have the courage to accept life and it´s various spirits, to feel and observe the spirits and ether´s of the etheric world in nature.


Very interesting article. This is a topic I more and more think about when tasting wines. I still often forget to ask winemakers about yeasts and other additives... gotta change that!
Greets, ALex

WineVine Imports

Thanks! I enjoyed reading this informative article. It's an interesting topic I haven't seen on other Wine Education sites.


Hi Michelle,

Thank you for the comment;
I would tone down your enthusiasm for European wines though, they're often full of additives, be it sulfites or other corrective additives, so your friend may have had chance in Europe but it's commonplace to get headaches here too because of heavy-handed SO2 addings.

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