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February 07, 2007



what a fabulous wine shops! All shops looks nice. I liked those atmosphere. I would wonder where to go if there were the shops like those.


Great post. Yours is the finest French wine blog I've encountered. Great work. One question: what does 'bibs' mean?


What a wonderful blog! I'm a writer living in New York and should be in Paris next month. My French is sadly inadequate for serious communication, which can be a problem in a wine shop, so I'm wondering whether any of these proprietors speak good English. Sorry to be provincial, but there it is. Thanks.

Jim Karegeannes

Bert - you are the man! We're heading back to Paris tomorrow. Just printed the above descriptions to guide my visit. I used your reviews of Paris wine bars during last year's visit. An invaluable resource. Thanks for the write up of Caves Fillot as well, sounds worth tracking down. More later.

Brian Hinchcliffe

Les Caves Vaneau was originally situated on the corner of the Impasse Oudinot, past the hospital, on rue Vaneau. These premises are now occupied by a property company. In the 50's and 60's the wine shop was run by André Loison. He had his own label champagne and a vin de table called Vanor.
A regular customer was André Gide, the Nobel literature prize winner, who was in the habit of having his selected bottle opened in the shop and sharing it with the owner and any neighbours who happened by. Gide lived in an appartment at the other end of rue Vaneau, past the traffic lights. Several of Gide's novels and récits take place in and around rue Vaneau. An unsubstantiated tale has it that Karl Marx was a tenant in a building long since replaced on rue Vaneau, at n°32.


Hi, french wines amateurs

PARIS TERROIRS has now a second shop, 57 rue Monge, 5th arrondissement, in the Quartier Latin (just few steps from Place de la Contrescarpe and Arènes de Lutèce).

I just bought a bottle of Saint-Nicolas de Bourgueil, a wine from the Loire area. Really a nice wine, "bichonné" told me Yann, what means something like "pampered". Yeah : rich (which is relatively rare for Loire's wines) and carefully done - bichonné !

Name of the wine ? "Ni Dieu, ni maître"... ! I bought it for a dinner with an american friend of mine, specialist of... Voltaire - of course ! (even if the slogan is from the anarchist Auguste Blanqui) Unthinkable to find such a name on a bottle elsewhere than in France, isn't it ?

And there was, furthermore, good jazz music... what else to ask for ?

Guy, from Paris

Robert Frank

This is a fantastic list, but is now almost 10 years old. Any thoughts on doing a new, fully updated list of best wine shops in Paris?


Good idea, especially that some of these places have changed or are closed, but I'd need time to go around all the places today, there are so many...


Thanks for the list ! Wonderful for any tourist who love wine :)
It will be so great to have a new one and discover the new gems. The french wine culture is so rich, love it !

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