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May 15, 2007



Thanks for another memorable report. You inspired me to open a bottle of Mosse Chard 2005 now.

Jamie Goode

A really great report - I tried the wines a way back and loved them - it's nice to hear the story behind them in more detail.

putnam weekley

Tonight I dig back in the fridge and there I find an open bottle of 2005 Rene's Chard open last Saturday for Evan. It has about 2 ounces left in it. No closure. 6 days open.

It smells a little of caramel, as expected, and with surges of living dried straw. The taste is fresh and delightful but steely. Stern milkweed husk flavors aren't stern really, once you get to know them. And there's plenty of fruit, pears, apples, only they're contained and focused unlike the wine freshly opened. But I wouldn't know it wasn't freshly opened if I didn't know.

Does anyone believe me? This wine passed something of a torture test. I'd like to see one of my pal Dave's big time burgs deal with this kind of treatment and still taste raw and sweet of fruit like this does.

Sadly, this is the last bottle of this that was for sale in Michigan. I'm looking at a teaspoon of tartrate crystals in the bottom and on the sides of my glass.

Thanks again for the inspiring report. I wish I had unfettered access to these wines.

putnam weekley


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