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July 25, 2008



It's a nice post. It's interesting. I was googling about making cask in Japan. And there are some cask makers in here too, for Sake, Soy sauce, Whiskey, and some products. They aren't many, but there are some to inherit the tradition. It says To making cask, It needs the eyes to observe the behavior of each woods. It seems very difficult and need time to acquired that.


Thank you for this very interesting posting. It is wonderful to know that wine making traditions such as these are being kept alive by skilled craftsmen like Jacky Blanchard. The wine shop where I work in Chicago has several used barrels set up as decoration in the tasting/private events room. You can see them in the events tour video here


I knew that the barrels were very expensive and I can see why after learning about all of the care and skill that goes into the art of cooperage.

Here's a wine making event I thought I'd mention.


Now I'm curious about where the barrels will be coming from!

Steven Plant

Just wondering if he is related to the natural wine maker in the Touraine, Loire, Francois Blanchard?


No, as far as I know, there is no relation with this vintner.

Linda Nastri

We are descendants of Alain Gulliame Blanchard. He was born in Rouen in 1515 and died in London,
Eng. in 1618. Are you related to him?
We are traveling to Lorie Valley this April and would love to visit your winery. If you are not descendants
do you know who would be?
Mark and jJames Blanchard have a winery in Sonoma Valley in Calif. and know relatives are from France but not exactly where. Any information you may have would be helpful. Thank you for your time
and may see you in April.

Susan Lander

I’m wondering if tours are possible. My husband and I will be there Saturday May 13th and May 14th.
Thank you. Dry much,

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