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February 16, 2009



Simply wonderfull. Thanks for the lovely pics.


Fantastic, I have been reading with growing enthusiasm! Your site was mentionned to me by Roelof Ligtmans, an old acquaintance. I have a wineblog myself, and will certainly draw attention to this story on the entrepots de Bercy (I wrote a few articles on the wine history of my city and read everything concerning history and wine).
I'll be coming back, regards, Mariëlla

Paulo Queiroz

Hi, I added your blog on my blog “ Nosso Vinho”, a Brazilian wine blog based in friend’s opinion. Take a look at
Could you please link my blog?
Thank you and congratulation for your work.
Paulo Queiroz
[email protected]


Very interesting and wel documented story Bertrand. Also great pictures, both yours as the old ones to which you refer.


Jens Hork

Dear Bertrand,

This is the most interesting story I've read on your blog in a very long while and it took me back on a nostalgic trip to the late 1970's when I visited Les Entrepôts de Bercy and took similar pictures as yours. THANK YOU!

Best Wishes,


Thank you for the comments, I wanted to share some of these pictures for a long time and I'm pleased you like the story. The old B&W pictures I link to are amazing indeed, all these casks waiting along the Seine and in Bercy streets...I think I'd pay quite a lot to taste a mid-range Burgundy from one of these casks.


I like your blog!



Je viens de découvrir avec le plus grand interet votre evocation des Entrepots de Bercy. Il me faut encore le traduire en fran_ais
... Un très long développement - dont je vous remercie - sur la Maison FANTON. J'aimerais apporter une ou 2 petites rectifications. Est-ce possible ?

Merci encore

François Fanton

François FANTON

Voici bien des mois, je vous faisais part que votre texte remarquablement documenté sur les entrepôts de Bercy (et la maison Fanton) comportait une ou 2 approximations. Voici ce qu’il en est :

- “ ..... The Maison Fanton was started by Michel Fanton in 1891 after he left his family…..”
... Les 2 plus jeunes enfant de Michel Fanton sont nés à Bercy, respectivement en 1870 et 1872.
Les papiers de commerce portaient en exergue « A Paris depuis 1867 ». Cette date étant celle de l’EXPOSITION Universelle, dont le comité d’organisation est présidé par .....
. .. Le Prince Jérôme -Napoléon,
Ce dernier (1822-1891) , fils de Jérôme Bonaparte, est une personnalité politique du 2d Empire.
En 1859, à Florence en Toscane ; il se fait applaudir par la foule. En 1859, il se marie avec une princesse italienne.

cf. le site www.chateaudebercy.com

François Fanton

funny siri

Thank god some bloggers can write. Thank you for this piece of writing!!

Trevor spink

HI I stumbeld across this site looking for information on railway wine wagons I realy enjoyed the read and information ,Very interesting very good photos shame it as been reduced to rubble for a shopping centre, Trevor spink

david verge

i used to frolic there many a times. i am so glad that you have captured the spirit of the place i loved so much. thank you, just wonderful



I am very glad to have found those pictures because Bercy is the place where I grew up from my birth to 12.
Can you please send me a copy of the picture with the green building (pipermint get) and the house on the right side, because it was my home for years. I leaved there because my grand-father was a keeper in Bercy's wine warehouse.
Waiting for your awaited return,
Many, many thanks

Natacha Bigot-Saidoune

Myra Malkin

I was so happy to find your site and its pictures. Visiting Paris in 1988, I saw some of these buildings, though I didn't know how to get in (I was almost bitten by a scary dog on a neighboring street). I was shocked to hear, some years later, that the whole area had been demolished.

David T

A great evocation of a little known district. I also visited Bercy in 1988 and was captivated by the very unparisian provincial buildings of the negociants though I never went inside any of them. I took as many photos as I could but it was a rather dull day so they're not as good as yours.
I did see a couple of what looked like wine wagons with a foudre on a wagon chassis but I'm pretty sure they were "props" put their by a negociant to recreate an ambience as the wine tankers with wooden foudres had been replaced by glass lines steel tanks by about 1960.

I also have an article from La Vie du Rail (a weekly newspaper for railway workers and their families) from the 1970s that goes into great detail about the railway operation at le Petit et le Grand Bercy with wine wagons being brought down by lifts from the main goods yards of the PLM which were on a higher level. It seems that every other street in Bercy had rail tracks with those in between used for local road transport and tracks ran the length of the site connected to those along the streets by turntables.

David Verge

I came to Paris around 1983 and I think I discovered Bercy around 1988. It was walking back in time. The building were abandoned and the streets were empty as if life had stopped. I was amazed at the shops filled with empty bottles, table and chairs in place almost as if someone was expected back. I enjoyed your article and especially of your photos but I love the comments. Everyone shares a bit of memory of the place.


Exactly, this area was like a travel in time, amazing how you could walk into several of these buildings and houses (some, with their achitecture style, looking like they were in a faraway province, not Paris) and things, tools were sitting there untouched. Paris was also very safe then, you can't imagine this today, it would have been ransacked in a matter of days...

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