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March 19, 2009


Ray Walker

Bert,the photos and writing are beautiful as always. The cheese looks great. We had something while out there that looked similar and it was delicious. Keep up the great work!


Awesome. Thank you goats.

Jeff Butler

Really beautiful writing and photos. Superb stuff- many and sincere thanks for your time and effort on this blog!



Manuel Aguinaga

Nice writing, nice photos, nice cheese, nice white, nice farmer lady, nice goats, nice farm....ugly rules

I want to be back at Loire to find nice things..

Thanks Bertrand,

Jack Everitt

The difficulty in getting imported raw milk cheeses in the US is quite annoying. Sounds like it won't ever be getting better. :(


Hi Jack,
I knew that as a cheese lover, this would interest you...
Any regulation can be changed overnight, I think, especially if real-food consumers increase their weight in the debate (the growing number of farmers markets is a sign) and if a mainstream health research establishes the benefits of raw milk and related products...


Salut Bertrand - encore une histoire de fromage de chèvre, qui me met l'eau à la bouche et les larmes aux yeux, quand je pense, que bientôt, cela aussi va disparaitre grâce aux hygiénistes fous de règlementations...

J'ai un vin en cave, que je testerais bien en accord (un rosé de Merlot, élevé 4 ans sous voile), pour voir, s'il tiendra tête à ces merveilles...

david Nutt

A good story

GK Chesterton: “The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”

Voila: www.tastingtoeternity.com. This book is a poetic view of 30 of the best loved French cheeses with an additional two odes to cheese. Recipes, wine pairing, three short stories and an educational section complete the book.

From a hectic life on Wall Street to the peace and glories of the French countryside lead me to be the co-founder of www.fromages.com. Ten years later with the words of Pierre Androuet hammering on my brain:

“Cheese is the soul of the soil. It is the purest and most romantic link between humans and the earth.”

I took pen and paper; many reams later with the midnight oil burning Tasting to Eternity was born and self published.

I believe cheese and wine lovers should be told about this publication.



Hello Bertrand,

Where is this goats cheese making place? I am going to the Loire Valley this spring and would like to visit it.


Hi Antoinette, Sorry, I'm afraid you can't find this cheese farm operating anymore, read my last post... You can visit the one I tell about today.



I am going to Burgundy and wanted to do a goats cheese course or visit a farm, any idea on how I go about this?



I guess you would have to speak French first. Then you look for a cheese farm in google, type ferme fromage de chèvre, with the region of France where you want to go and you should find the contact info of goat cheese farms.

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