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August 16, 2009


Roelof Ligtmans

Very nice article that makes me think of of the farms around my home village in Holland when I was young (in the 60ies). Why on earth is all fresh milk you can buy in a French supermarket always the same brand, and not really fresh??? I am all for this ¨slow food¨ approach!

Nevertheless, I`d rather spend the rest of the evening with a glass of locally produced wine!

Keep the good work going,

a happy reader of your blog,

Roelof Ligtmans
Mercurey, Bourgogne


Jean gabin, one of the most famous French actor, used to say :'I'll drink milk when cows eat grapes'.

Amie Sexton

I'm all for fresh unpasteurised milk. Sadly in Australia there is a ban on all raw milk products except Roquefort cheese.
A step forward for fresh milk in France is in Langon (near Bordeaux and only 5 minutes drive from Sauternes) - they have installed a fresh milk vending machine just in front of the Coccinelle supermarket close to the centre of town. At 8am each morning the local farmer replaces the tank with a fresh tank of milk, you can then purchase a cup of milk (plastic cups supplied) or by the litre in your own container at a competitive price. Beautiful milk and it almost makes me want to move there - I'm sure a diet of Sauternes and fresh milk is healthy!

Nigel Havens

A very evocative article and not one you would expect to read in a wine blog! Really makes you want to go to a farm and buy the fresh milk. Shame about the plastic bottle, I wonder if it would taste better from a cut crystal wine glass!


I'm sitting here in the Sarthe trying to think where my nearest dairy farmer is....

I only found your blog this evening, but I'm really enjoying it.

Putnam Weekley

Downriver Detroit, in Lincoln Park, it's Calder Dairy. The "Natural Milk" has the cream line and all the milks have the flavor you're talking about.

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