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October 11, 2009



très beau site!!!


Félicitations pour tout le mal que tu te donnes pour éduquer nos papilles ...
ça donne envie une petite dégustation ..!!
Take care .. ;)

Maïté Morantin

Congratulations Noëlla!!!
I really enjoyed reading the article, and seeing you at work making wine, fantastic! Loved the photos, Bertrand did a good job!


Toujours très impressionné par ta simplicité et par ta discrétion mais quand on voit le travail qu'il y a derrière, je suis d'autant plus admiratif "bravo Noëlla" ton vin te ressemble il a ton élégance ...!


J'espère qu'il restera du blanc.... Ton vin est un pur nectar
Très heureuse de t'avoir croisé dans ma vie
Bises!! D.T

Chris Kissack

Thanks for this write-up Bertrand, really nicely done.
Chris Kissack


Très bon site Noella!! Félicitations! J'aimerais bien gouter tout ce que tu as fait!
Tu me manques trop!
Grosses bises mouilleés!


Bertrand, Really careful and informative blog again - hope Noella's wines will be on sale in Paris next year. Would be great to share a bottle. Keep up the fine work. best regards - Andrew (Souvenez le Laisssagne?)

Putnam Weekley

Another reason why this is the best wine blog ever. Now if Joe D had a photographer, you might have some competition.


Thank you to all of you, making a post about Noella is a pleasure...
Thanks, Putnam. If Joe D. finds a photographer I give up, no way to compete with his writing and humor... Maybe he could hire me as his photographer, I'm waiting for his offer...

Steve L.

Obviously Noella must find a way to make some RoMorantin!


salut nono (c william)

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