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January 11, 2010



Bert you just continue to out-do yourself. A wonderful profile. Thanks for bringing the best.


Thank you so much, John for your comment !

Leah Moorhead

where could I find these wines in Portland Oregon? I am a buyer for a restaurant and would love to get my hands on some!


World Class Wines in Lake Oswego has the 2009 Pommard Vieilles Vignes

Ken Liao

This is Ken Liao from Guangzhou Modern City Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. Guangzhou south China. I am very interested in your vineyard and willing to be your business partner. I am enquiring that do you have agency in China? If you are looking for exclutive agency in China, our company is very pleased to be part of your business. Contact email [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

francois Mougnaud

Let me share a sad story: I bought wine from Fanny Sabre last year and I'm still struggling to get it deliver, as nobody is now responding to my numerous emails, I now believe I've been fooled.
So watch out when buying this brand, make sure you're leaving with the bottles or you may never be able to taste these,

Otis Leung

Thank you for the information

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