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April 15, 2010



Bert, you would enjoy Ruth Reichl's autobiographical works: a very similar story to Alice's, and much the same journey, but more with food and not so much with wine. I don't know if they have been translated into French.

Mark from Honolulu

Like almost all hyper passionate wine lovers, Ms. Feiring allows her passions and admitted cynicism to take her on flights of utter silliness such as calling Screaming Eagle "crap". No wine is "WORTH" $6,000, even the 78 Romanee Conti I bought in 1982 for $150.00 and Screaming Eagle is no exception. Frankly, I have gotten more pleasure and greater enjoyment from many far less expensive wines, but none of that means the wine is crap. I guarantee you if you open a bottle of Screaming Eagle with a good steak frites you are going to have a very good time and a terrific meal. If the bottle cost you $20, you'd call it one of the world's greats, and that's the problem. Wine should be judged and enjoyed on its own merits, free from the marketing hype, and indeed the market itself. In the end, the ratings and the prices are there because we lack the confidence to admit that we like what we like so we need other people to tell us we're right, that we picked a real winner. Yet, the person who gets the most pleasure from his/her glass of wine is the real winner, regardless of what's in it. The pleasure of a glass of wine you truly enjoy is everything it's cracked up to be...maybe more.

mike landucci

good points mark. for her palate screaming eagle may very well be crap though. a fair amount of people, especially people who have been drinking wine for 40+ years, are only interested in a very old world style of wine and nearly anything made in the US (or australia, etc) will be a turn off to them. it wont taste the way theyve trained themselves to think good wine should taste.

cheers, mike

Nick Gorevic

Hey that's me in that second picture! The one with Alice and Dominique hugging. I have my back to the camera. I wish I had known you were there, would've liked to say hi. :)


Ms. Feiring (and this article as well) fails to mention that there are no wines made - especially in France - without the use of pesticides. Even so-called organic and biodynamic growers spray pesticides on their fruit to ward off diseases that would otherwise render their crop unusable or non-existent. In fact, both organic and BD viticulture rely a great deal on the use of copper sprays to control downy mildew and petroleum oil to control powdery mildew. Copper is particularly noxious due to its toxicity to soil microbes and its extremely long half life. This is a disingenuous ideology.

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