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April 07, 2010


Tom in Houston

I love your series of wine pairing stories. In this one, the deck was stacked against you, however. In my experience it's difficult to find any wine that pairs well with smoked meat, whether it is smoked ham, bacon, Texas beef brisket barbecue, smoked pork shoulder, or whatever. I usually find that beer is a better match.

Cécile Costa et Jean-Michel Krebs

I love! I remind me familly moments! Very good! Thanks

Dave Erickson

I think the St. Joseph was a good idea. Even if it wasn't perfect, it was a good concept--the wines can be bacony and savory. A Tavel is almost too easy...

And if I haven't mentioned it lately, I love these photo-essays.

Jack Everitt

Great post, Bert!

Earle Wines

CHATcuterie! Get it!


One Euro per kilo pork, raised in a factory? No thanks.


Yes, Tom, I now think that smoked ham is an enigma for wine pairing, every ham is different, that's the problem...
B. was dubious about my choosing the St Jo but like Dave says I think it might have been almost a good choice, among other possible wines.
Yes, Steven, this isn't exactly an organic pig but this is the real world and many people in France can't afford the still expensive organic pigs, except if they raise them themselves. plus, the 1-Euro per kilo doesn't mean the meat was of a worse quality than the normal-priced pork, it is just that the supermarket renounced its margin for this special sale.

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