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November 06, 2010


Rick Rainey

Just a quick thank you from the U.S. I am one of the French wine "guys" at Winebow who import Christophe Pacalet, matter of fact I have a bottle ready for tonight's beef stew. I email not so much to say thank you for this article but to say thank you for the web-site as it is my favorite daily read. You do a brilliant job and should be commended for your commitment for telling all of the wonderful stories that you do. I often share your stories with our sales team (over 100 strong) because I find the site reminds me why I got into this business and why I treasure the memories of my yearly buying trips to France. Unfortunately I have had to cut back on the trips but I use your sight as a alternative and it does a great job as a replacement to the joy of banging around the countryside visiting the likes of Humbrecht, Raveneau, Tempier, Lapierre - just to name a few of my favorites.

Thanks again and keep up the good work. If you make it to the US and are interested in cool climate riesling and pinot then me please look me up as I live in the Finger Lakes of NY and would gladly show you around this interesting and emerging area.

Peter Vars

Here here. Wonderful stuff. I am working harvest in Oregon's Willamette Valley and I have been happy to share this site with local winemakers here regarding the harvest in Beaujolais, discuss your observations and how the vintages are similar between the two different areas. Always a pleasure to read... Thanks!


Thanks, Rick, for dropping here and write those comments, i'll keep this Finger Lakes invite in the back of my mind in case I visit the area, I heard from this region but never tasted anything from there...

Thank you to Peter too, speaking of Willamete Valley,I remember visiting Russ Raney of Evesham Wood, but alas, he sold and left the area...too bad...

Cheers, Bertrand

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