The view on all the stages of winemaking in a church, all the more in a cathedral, is odd enough to justify a short photo story. The music and songs usually heard in the catholic churches don't fit exactly my canons of musical aesthetics, this devotional music like Tom Hanks used to say in Lady Killers (one of my cult movies) is often lifeless and dry, at least in this part of Europe. But the visual scenes in churches big or small, the light quality and the volumes are another story, and there are great experiences to make walking through the silent interior architectures and majestic volumes of churches. And take these stained-glass scenes : Even though we know that wine holds a special place in Christianity, we unconsciously consider that wine consumption and winemaking have a vulgar and temporal side that could make any depiction of them out of place in the church decoration. Here are a few heartening pictures of the beautifully-colored windows of the cathedral of Reims showing vignerons making their wine and a couple of wine-related sacred episodes of the christain faith. Considering the central role played by monks of all ranks in the advancement of everything wine, in the selection of terroirs, varieties and remodeling of gifted slopes, this tribute to the winemaking craftsmen in a gem of a cathedral was well deserved.
Note that most of the scenes depict non-Champagne vinification, or classical still red wine vinification (which could be red Pinot Noir like there has always been in the region). I think that the artist had clearly in mind the idea to pay homage to all the growers and winemakers and not only to the ones of Champagne. Call it a symptomatic omission, I am sorry to say that I missed the scene with Dom Pérignon among the many ones depicted on these windows...
I have downloaded bigger-size pictures exceptionally as the details of the scenes are not obvious, you can click on the pictures for the large version.
The last two pictures at the bottom show Marc Chagall's stained-glass windows in another part of the Reims cathedral, in the back of the church. the renowned artist realized these windows in 1974.
Thanks for some great photos - it's wonderful inspiration as I'm making some research about travelling to Champagne.
Posted by: Emil H | March 16, 2011 at 11:08 AM
Nice beautiful photo. Interesting
Posted by: hikalu | March 17, 2011 at 03:41 PM
Hi Hikalu !
Thanks for the comment, and I want to tell you that we are thinking a lot to Japan B. and me, we're following the stream news on FNN and we hope that the situation is going to get better for the radiation question on the coast. I am amazed about how Japanese people react quietly and stoicly to the multiple catastrophes that struck their country.
Hope you're fine,
Posted by: Bertrand | March 17, 2011 at 07:11 PM
Thanks for sharing this article and very nice photos too.
Japan will prosper...
Posted by: RedWineExp | March 19, 2011 at 07:56 PM
Fascinating. Photos are stunning.
Posted by: Christian | April 20, 2011 at 09:37 PM
Posted by: Wine Harlots | September 15, 2014 at 03:26 PM
Amazing arts shared that are showing deep words regarding to the making of grapes and their wine as well. dissertation writing recommends that you should share more of photos regarding to showing ancient events as well.
Posted by: Richard Mathew | November 23, 2016 at 12:07 PM