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June 30, 2011


Rick Rainey

About 5 years ago I spent a day with Mr. Pacalet and for a week or two it looked like we were going to import the wines for the NY/NJ market. I was very excited indeed to see the possibilities with this interesting producer. Louis Dressner was able to provide broader distribution for Philippe in the states, a good thing, and our import deal fell through. Fortunately, my wife owns a store so on occasion I still get to drink these very interesting wines.

Good for him he has made it 10 years - not an easy thing in that part of the world.

As always - great reporting.

Roelof Ligtmans

Hi Bertrand,

I'm intrigued by the remark on the use of sulphur in the vineyard this year. Being a vigneron myself (Mercurey), I treat my vines with "souffre mouillable" ("diluted sulphur"), with a dosis of 6 kg / hectare. A "poudrage" of sulphur powder requires 30 kg / hectare of pure sulphur - you can not enter the vineyard for days after! So I do not see it as being "softer", indeed, it is regarded by many as the "cure if everything else failes". Please explain.


Roelof Ligtmans
Domaine de La Monette


Interesting question, Mr Ligtmans, I'll ask him soon and post the answer.
Philippe Pacalet uses actually Algosouffre which is a mix of sulphur with algae and other things. It does make more than 6kg per hectare but it's still softer than a diluted equivalent.

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