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November 10, 2011


Piet De Bruyn

Dear Bertrand,
I have been reading your articles since a long time and I really appreciate your high-level info. I hope you will keep on publishing. May I ask you if you know good farmer-wine makers who would be willing to learn me the tricks of excellent wine making during a few weeks (intensive), of course I will help them for free from dawn till evening. Is there a kind of website in France for "internships" (stage). FYI: I am an active 53 year old male...and I have my own tiny micro vineyard (120 plants Pinot Gris/Chardonnay and Johanniter) in Flanders (Belgium). Best regards. Piet.


Hi Piet,

Thank you, for your comment;
I haven't inquired about possible winemakers who could accept you as trainee. I think that you need to meet wine-farmers in person (this could be in wine fairs here and there) and convince them, there is no reason one would not accept benevolent help from someone who has already some experience in the trade. The main thing is also maybe to make them confident that you take care of your own accommodation during the time of your training (it helps them feel comfortable about the idea of having you helping in the winery). Many of them speak English at a certain level at least, so that could be feasible to ask them yourself (in the case you're not speaking French).

Hope this answer is of any help and can induce you at daring ask

Piet De Bruyn

Hello again Bertrand,
Thanks for your answer. You’re right, direct contact is the best, good idea about the wine fairs. Speaking French fluently, “le jargon oenologique” won’t be a problem.

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