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February 05, 2012


Vintage Confusion

Cher Monsieur Bertrand,
What a beautiful photo essay! I especially loved the brief explanation of the different types of soil in which each type of wine grape is grown. I have never seen anything like that and I found it to be fascinating. Is there any chance for a close up or a longer explanation?
Thanks a bunch!
- Micheline


Ne serait ce pas plutot le Grolleau de Cinq Mars (Cinq Mars La pile, à coté de Langeais en face d'Azay)?
Sinon comme d'habitude, superbe reportage

David B

Thank you for a very enjoyable and educational write up. I was very happy to gain insight into the soils of the various vineyards. Your description part of the cellars as "semi-trogloditic" is priceless!

Sunshine Mountain Valley Vineyard

What a breathtaking view you got up there! And it was a new insight for me about all those soil science included in this blog! Kudos to you sir!

PurpleTeeth of Fullerton, Calif., USA

My wife and I had a private tasting with Messr. Baudry in July 2009. He was generous with his time, and had a delightful sense of humor. And what terrific wine! It was a highlight of our trip. He spoke no English and we very little French, but we understood each other perfectly. Later, his wife was kind enough to lead us by car across the river to Philippe Alliet, where our next tasting was scheduled.


Just returned from trip to Loire with one of the stops at Mr. Baudry's winery. I've met Mr. Bernard Baudry, and it was a great lesson on Cabernet Franc. I've visited other winemakers and tasted some fine wines in Sancerre and Pouilly but the Boudry wines were really exceptional. Mr. Baudry also opened Cabernet Franc 2000 for us and I was surprised by the condition of this nice wine, it could easily age another 12 years! Many thanks for generous welcome and for Cabernet Franc!


A great post about a great producer! I have just recently discovered the Baudry wines and was instantly blown away by both the quality and prices. I have had my fair share of too vegetal and thin Cabernet Franc, but Les Grézeaux 2009 made me a fan. Ridiculously cheap for a wine of such depth and complexity!

Phil Z

For the Croix Boissee 2011 vintage, the article mentions:

"The élevage here is two years in casks, because of the chalky tannins. They used to age it a single year but they found out it was not enough and raised the cask time to two years, in casks dating from a few years. Will be bottled september 2014. "

At this time in December 2013, I see it is for sale at one merchant. Was this actually bottled in Sept '13?


Hi Phil,

I got the information while making this visit but sometimes as you know the planned élevage time is not fully respected, and this for different reasons, it may be that after all the wine tasted well after a year, or it may be here because the yields were so much lower in 2012 and so there was a pressure from the buyers who were asking for bottled wine.


What exactly is a "light diatomaceous-earth filtration" vs. a heavier filtration?

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