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October 14, 2012



sextant è un grande vino, bellissimo reportage


Hi I'm trying to understand how these vats just get clean by wine only and let to dry and tightened up with water the next vintage ,can you help me by asking some of these winemakers how these vats get protected from microbes and ext.I'm trying to undersand their chain of tought why this will work when it seems that it shouldn't,because the wine would spoil and there for, been extracted into the next vintage ,can you help with their details why wine should be use with scrubbing brushes and been left that way for the next season.Thank you once again

Houillon Corentin

@riaan: water is not used to clean up the wood vats because when you would be back the following year it would be moulded everywhere in the vat ! The less you leave water in the best it is !
They are using only a small amount of wine to wash it and it dries in about 10 minutes and it will be in the wood, the alcohol keeps the moulding away , acidity as well and it keeps a bit of yeast for ever!
Good job for that article!


Thank you,now I understand a lot better,and it makes much more sense.Best blog ,on the web.

Bob Siddoway

Wow, how amazing would it be to live there and make wine using oldschool methods?!

I'm jealous...

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