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September 11, 2013



By far, Bert, my favorite post of your whole trip!

Andrew Adams

Great post, really insightful to hear about the Westside from a Frenchman. I love that you tried beers like Torpedo as well as a Bud and kept an open mind. I would suggest though that he American style of loads of fresh hops is not something to be dismissed.

robert ames

please come to walla walla!


Thanks, Hank ! I see you like beer too !

Andrew : I'll try again, I'm new to these types of beers. I saw yesterday in Montmarte that there's a beer shop with little-known (here) imported U.S. beers, among them Rogue ! But a bottle costs 9 Euros... (Peoples Drugstore - 78 rue des Martyrs 75018 Paris)

Robert : We actually drove through Walla Walla but had too little time before going back to Portland. we strolled a bit downtown, and walked randomly into a winery tasting room, Charles Smith Wines, it was a nice loft-like space and the wines had fancy labels, I asked about tasting but they charged 5 $ minimum. Instead, I happened to spend exactly the same 5 $ oaround the block in a Goodwill thrift shop on a pair of Timberland street-shoes which looked like almost new...
I'll spend more time in Walla Walla next time...

Mark Thomasseau

Camping and beer! What could be better? Maybe Paris and a picnic along a canal!
Great post, great pictures! I live on the West Coast and have enjoyed many of the great beers you sampled.
Thank you for your blog site, it is great!


I am an American wine lover who started out as (and still am) a beer lover, so I really enjoyed this post. I am not at all a fan of most American IPAs. It seems like you are not, either, so I wonder why you continued to drink so many of them on your journeys. Oh, well. It seems like you drank across the entire spectrum of quality of American beer. You even had a Busch and some Budweisers. I'm glad to see you enjoyed the Fat Tire. I think New Belgium is the best brewer in America, although I've never tasted anything by that off-the-grid Jonathan you wrote about. :)

Billy Bob Joe Blow


There's no need to post this...

Why is the meat (beef) so tasty in the U.S.? It's all finished in Confined Animal Feedlot Operations (CAFOs). Beeves are forced to eat grain (corn) in a feedlot which will kill them if they do it long enough (acidosis), and are given tons of antibiotics to keep them alive (acidosis creates conditions ideal for E. coli 0157) until they are actually slaughtered. It's really fucked up. Think of it as a goose and its eventual donation of foie gras.

They put a lot of fat into the meat. Fat is tasty. Americans love to eat and cheap meat makes us Ugly Americans. This grain-finished beef is unhealthy and so are we Americans.

Grass-fed, grass-finished, local beef is the future (and past).


Well, you may be right, but in this case our industrial meat (beef especially) in France (the one bought in similar supermarkets) is certainly also awfully-produced but it is frankly inedible, that makes a difference

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