These posters remind us also of the Soviet Union's and Russia's long-running struggle with a national plague, the chronic drunkenness among a sizeable part of its male population. This fight took many forms along the 20th century including a total prohibition try during the Gorbatchev years, and state-employed artists provided dozens of images to move workers away from disastrous overdrinking habits.
This problem never really went away and a couple years ago, a new Russian law restricted the sales of alcohol after certain hours, thus closing off the access to the wine and vodka aisles in supermarkets. The St Petersburg government recently added amendments to widen the hours during which alcohol couldn't be purchased.
With the growing prosperity and travel capacity, airlines are also faced with an increasing number of unruly passengers getting into brawls during flights after excessive drinking, and the authorities consider forbidding in-flight booze sales. I noticed myself when I flew on Aeroflot earlier this year that the flight attendants didn't offer vodka anymore, you had to pay for it. Russia is not Russia anymore...
Those posters are quite something! Thank you for sharing!
Alcohol, just like food, is better in moderation. I believe it's possible to enjoy it healthily if you keep it in check. (I personally open a bottle of wine per MONTH approximately, and I don't have any other alcohol).
Posted by: HapinessSavouredHot | December 31, 2013 at 01:57 PM