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January 30, 2014


Rafa Bernabé

Thank you Bertrand for sharing with us the visit of these big wines, great country, big friends, !!! Gaumarjos !!!


Nice report, Bert...you made me wish I was there.

Pheasant's Tears has been on my radar for a bit. I purchased my first bottle, the 2011 Pheasant's Tears Kisi, and drank it six weeks ago. Well, tried. Despite my adventurous palate, I could find nothing appealing about it. Kept trying it over a bunch of days. Nope. Just weird, barely wine, and unpleasant.

Roeloof Ligtmans

Hi Bertrand,

always nice to read about new wines. What do you think about the extravagant prices for these totally unknown and unproven wines? There is plenty of great organic French wine to be had well under € 30, so do we need these "try-out" wines?


Some of these wines are really outstanding and the price is related to the quality. The producers (most of them at least) work on very small surfaces usually and a wholesale price of 13 € doesn't seem extravagant for me even if I bark at paying the 25 € in the retail, but that's just because I have to make priorities in my expenses.

Thierry Puzelat

Effectivement, le prix semble élevé pour ces vins inconnus. Le fait est que ces prix sont défendables à double titre : d'abord ils concernent des vins absolument uniques, non reproductibles et de ce fait moins extravagants que les prix des Pinots Noir de l'Orégon ou des Cabernets Sauvignon du Médoc. De plus, ces prix garantissent la pérennité de ces fermes dont le vin est la seule culture valorisable. Il serait indécent de marchander dans ce contexte. Comme en France, il existe des vins industriels Géorgiens à des prix défiant toute concurrence, à chacun de choisir ...
Désolé d'écrire en français mais mon pauvre anglais ne me permet pas d'être aussi clair.

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