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September 15, 2014


Peter L

Hello Bertrand,
Love your blog. I look forward to new articles coming out the minute I finish the last. I am in the US working with a wine maker in Washington State. Last night we were discussing early pressing his Malbec(cot) and I said I had just read an article on that about Noella Morantin. I was wondering if you had any more information on her 2013 cot a cot? Was it light colored more like a rose or did it feel like a red? Do you know once Noella pressed the juice if she put it into barrel or tank? Any further information or impressions of this wine would be great to have.


P.S. Loved the reports from your trip to Oregon and California last year. Many of the places you visited are favorites of mine and the ones that were new to me I hope to be able to try soon.


No, The Côt à Côt was not like a rosé but definitely like a red, very impressing wine even if light in alcohol, this was the best of the three reds I tasted that day, from my immesiate impression. I'll ask her about the élevage;
This trip on the west coast was really good, fond memories for me too...


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