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January 10, 2015



I went to Cordobar the past summer, and I must admit I didn't find a great scene, more of it on the natural wine side. I found the place pretentious, hipster and trendy in a way far of my idea of a place where to drink natural wine. Altough the food was good, but nothing to write home about, the prices of the bottles were the biggest minus. My two cents. Stefano



you are doing a great and invaluable job for wine, especially the "natural" side, thank you !
I think my fellow germans have a way to make things unneccessary complicated, whatever the theme is. Wine is no exception. I often get the impression, as low as the level of interest in wine in my country still is, from the ones talking wine there are still too much for whom wine is a vehicle for showmanship and to tower above and exclude the "ignorant", with heavy winespeak. They should take to heart the words of Kermit Lynch : "Wine is, above all, pleasure. Those who would make it ponderous make it dull."
Looking at the prices demanded in the Cordobar Wine Book, I cannot believe my eyes : 499 € for a Geantet-Pansiot Gevrey Vieilles Vignes 2008 ?? Are they kidding ? You can buy this for 45 € at Four Walls Wine in the UK, and only 60 € at a place as far away as Hongkong.
Another theme : Natural wine seems to make its way here slowly, but steady. It is not easy to get an overview over the theme, so I was very happy to read Isabelle Legerons book recently. There are now some natural wine merchants, who sell their wines online, too. One of them is VINPUR in Bielefeld near my hometown Bad Driburg, others include LA VINCAILLERIE in Cologne and VINS VIVANTS.
If you are still in Germany and have a little time left, I invite you for bed and breakfast and maybe (you dont know till you taste is !) a good bottle of wine.
Best Regards
Dieter from Bad Driburg


In Frankfurt folks go to Chris Lifeharts Cool Climate Shop in the Brückstraße to get natural infusion! Have a look when you are around... Cheers


Thanks Bert for your great Blog - for years now its always been a pleasure to read your new articles!
And thanks Alex for the heads-up!


Cool Climate Shop
Brückenstrasse 21
60594 Frankfurt


Thank you to all of you, and to you too Alex, your tips were a help for Berlin, and I take note for Frankfurt..


Christof Ellinghaus

I'm sorry, but there must have been a mistake. We never sold a single bottle of Geantet-Pansiot Gevrey Vieilles Vignes 2008 for 499 €. We have sold quite a few of them for 99 Euros. Possibly the reason why they are now sold out. So please, dear Dieter from Bad Driburg, don't judge our bar by this misinformation.
Christof from Beverungen


I went to Cordobar with a friend last saturday after the champions league final. What an amazing experience. A treasure of a wine list. Amazing music playing and great people all around. Kitchen was closed by the time we got there but they kindly let us bring some while we explored the AMAAAZING wines in the list. There are no bargains in the list but I found prices to be very fair and to be honest, there are some bottles listed there that you will only find in auctions. This is a MUST GO place for german/austrian wine enthusiasts.

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