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March 10, 2016


Roelof Ligtmans

Hi Bertrand,

I think the grower in this portrait has some serious plowing to do. No wonder he has few grapes, just look at the state of his vineyards. A bit of weeds is OK (I grow grapes organically myself), but this is a downright carpet of ray-grass that sucks all the nutrients out of the soil. These vines will not live much longer if he goes on like that!!

As for the merit of half-a-century old tractors: low fuel consumption is about the only positive point. There has been a lot of technical progress in almost 50 years, no use denying it with a false sense of nostalgia. The museum is the best place for it; retired mechanics will have plenty time to look after it properly.

Keep up the good work, find us more of these "original" winegrowers!!


I think you're right about the grass, there should be some control and plowing, even if the roots go deep.
As for the technical progress, it doesn't replace mobility and lightness, these machines have a clear advantage on many points, not just the fuel efficiency.

Cyril Le Moing

Even Joel became bearded...!!!


Good to see you paid him a visit.I heard he was rather down following a couple of very difficult years and I could't contact him last time I was in the area. I hope he does well with the 2015 vintage. I still have a bottle or trwo of his amazing whites: sauvignon and menu pineau.


Yes, I think he needs to be bucked up and get along after these difficult vintages, 2015 was good but also conssidered difficult because of the low volumes.


Hi Bertrand,
i tried several times to have Joel on the phone, or even by email and i didn't manage to reach him.
I know it is quite tricky to be in touch with him since i met him last year in Paris, i whish to buy some of his wine but as a non Professional of the wine scene, i still had no chance to establish a new contact with him.
Would you mind to help me one way or another to be in touch with Joel?

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