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August 28, 2016


Bob R

I can't wait until the "natural" wine movement goes away. Not that I want so-called natural wines to go away, just the movement that puts the choice as being between "authentic" wines on the one hand and "conventional mainstream crap" on the other. In 25+ years of travel to France I've visited pretty much every wine making area, and visited and tasted wines from hundreds of wineries. Most of them have been small family-run operations, and while not every wine has been great, I would say that almost all of the producers have been conscientious, hard-working vignerons making "authentic" wines. However, I don't ever recall any winemakers using the word "natural" or its French equivalent (unless Fred Niger van Eck in Muscadet did), including winemakers in the hotbeds of the "natural wine" movement, such as the Loire Valley and Jura regions. I steer clear of mass-produced mainstream crap, but I don't think that the dichotomy should be between "natural" and "conventional" wines. I've had plenty of so-called "natural" wines that I considered crap, often because the predominant flavor was Brett rather than terroir.

Craig B

Thanks for another fine article. We were fortunate to have visited Blois in 2008 and this same location when it was the fine restaurant Le P'tit Creux, very happy to see this wonderful location now in use as a wine bistrot.

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