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October 04, 2016


Taste of France

Thank you for this fascinating and enlightening story. I had no idea who were the pioneers of natural wine. It's so wonderful they are still with us.


Amazing story Bertrand, thanks for sharing such a piece of life !

Bob R

This is a place I'd love to visit, but unfortunately I think I may have made my last visit to the Angers/Layon area. The wines sound fascinating. One comment I do have is that I think the excessive use of chemical pesticides is more concerning than the use of a little sulfur. After all, sulfites are naturally occurring in wine. French agriculture has been terrible in the excessive use of pesticides since the mid-1900's. I suspect that many vignerons, and farmers in general, have died too young because of exposure to pesticides over many years. Andre Iche, late of Chateau d'Oupia, is one that comes to mind.

William Vermeylen

A few months ago, my wife and I visited the Hacquet sisters together with my friend Babass (and Agnes). So, we heard all of this, we know all this, but thinking again about all this, how these people live(d), knowing their past, seeing these old and vulnerable, yet very determined (against the church in this small hamlet of Pierre Bise) people, make us cry again. Tasting their old vintages is an honour and a blessing for any lover of (true) natural wines. Sorry for becoming a bit sentimental here, but isn't great wine all about (unique) emotions?


I am profoundly moved by this story. Thank you Bert for all you're doing, these are priceless testimonies to life.

Caleb L.


Without a doubt, you write the most interesting articles about winemakers and vinedressers. I am so glad that you are able to record history like this as proof that great wine can be made without man-made additives and poisonous pesticides. People that are passionate about natural wine are so indebted to individuals like the Hacquets who continued to make real wine in spite of the palpable opposition from their own people. Thank you for telling their story and providing inspiration to the natural winemaking community to continue producing wines of character and purity.

St Etienne

Great piece and thanks of mentioning my old forgotten blog

Peter Brawn

Thanks for the amazing story


A long and memorable story ... a very inspiring post


J’ai connu cette famille Formidable simple Ils m’ont apporté beaucoup de bonheur lorsque. J’étais enfant , on allait prendre le lait directement au pis de la vache il préparait leur mixture de blé dont j’ai oublié le nom. On vivait autour de cette table chaleureuse. On participait à tout. Vendange.
Mise en bouteille panser les animaux .... merci à Anne Francoise Josèphe de tout un cœur

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