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November 20, 2016


Bob R

Sounds like a talented vigneron. I've spent a lot of time in that area, and have generally found the wines to range from mediocre to dreadful, especially the reds. So I'll have to check out these wines next time I'm in the area.

Mark Thomasseau

I love reading your posts.
I live in Washington State, and there used to be a winery named Blackwood Canyon which was in Yakima Valley, Benton City. The description of "Black Canyon" winery in your post sounded a lot like the Blackwood Canyon here in Washington. The owner/winemaker, Mike Moore, did unusual things with his wines, which he called "traditional", or "natural", resulting in wines ending up as vinegar or oxidized! Alas, he died in 2011 of natural causes, and his winery is no longer.
Thank you again for your posts!


Hi Mark,

Thank you so much for this contribution, you helped to somehow revive the story of this man, the wines (or experiments) of whom may have open the interest of visitors for different wines from the "clean" mainstream... I'll correct the location on the story.
thanks a lot !


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