(att. 2 - Art. 1)
(Harvest Grapes and Wine production)
The models for the presentation of the harvest grapes
and wine production and their annexes, from the year
2004/2005, amend and supersede those reported in DM of 1
August 1995 of 6 August 1997 and 16 October 2001.
All statements of harvesting grapes and wine production, with
attachments, submitted in accordance with the foregoing provisions
(Models listed in Ministerial Decree of August 10, 1995, August 6, 1997 and
October 16, 2001) and delivered to the municipalities of reference under 5
days after the date of publication of the decree on
Official Journal are valid.
Following the publication of the same in the Official
Official statements will only be accepted
harvesting grapes and wine production and its annexes downloaded
portal SIAN (www.sian.it) or presented by the CAA.
N.B. Declarations of harvesting grapes and wine production, with
their annexes presented to the municipalities may be filled
only with the old forms; Municipalities must submit
Bodies Paying competent declaration received later
not later than 20 days from the publication of the decree.
1) Parties responsible for the preparation and presentation of
declaration of harvesting grapes
Any natural or legal persons or groups of such persons
producing wine grapes. Shall also be 'obliged to statement
harvesting grapes grape growers dual purpose, intended
wine-making and / or for processing into juice in juice
limits of DM of 19/12/2000. In addition, they are obliged to
declaration of harvesting grapes, producers of grapes destined for the table
for processing into juice for juice.
2) Persons exempted's preparation and presentation of
declaration of harvesting grapes
Any natural or legal persons or groups of such persons
whose production of grapes and 'fully intended to be consumed
as such, to be dried.
They are also exempted from the declaration of the grape harvest
producers whose holdings comprise less than 10 ares of vines and
whose production is not 'been and will not be', even in part,
marketed in any form.
They are, altresi ', exempted the presentation of that
declaration, the grape growers who deliver the totality 'of
its production to a body of association. These subjects are,
however, must be completed in accordance with Annex F 2
mode 'indicated below.
3) Parties responsible for the preparation and presentation of
Statement of wine production
The natural or legal persons or groups of such
people, including wine-making cooperatives, which
in the context of the current year:
- Have produced wine, and / or
- Hold the date of November 30, products other than wine
(concentrated musts and / or rectified concentrated obtained in
campaign in progress), grapes, must, new wine still in fermentation
although intended for different uses such as grape juice,
vinegar making, etc .;
- Proceeded to 'purchase and / or processing of products
upstream of wine and gave them up completely before November 30.
The producers of grape juice are required to file
statement as they have proceeded to purchase and / or
processing of grapes and / or products upstream of wine, even if they
have completely sold before 30 November.
4) Persons exempted's preparation and presentation of
Statement of wine production
Are exempted from the declaration of wine production people
natural or legal persons or groups of such people already 'given
as subjects exempted in point 2 of the Declaration of
harvesting the grapes, as well as' producers who, by vinification in
their systems of products purchased, obtain a quantity of
Wine less than 10 hectoliters, which is not 'been and will not be' sold
under any form.
Mode 'and deadline for submission of the declaration
Declarations of harvesting grapes and wine production, have
Paying received Body of competence not later than the
December 10 of each year with reference to the province in which
are the vineyards and the wine-making; if a person has
vines or plants more 'provinces must complete a declaration
for each province.
Declarations of harvesting grapes and wine production
be integrated into the information system of Coordination Body
Agea electronic retrieval system or by registered or
Direct filing at the competent paying agency. in
For the completion and submission of the declaration of
harvesting grapes and producing wine on-line, individuals who
have already 'given mandate to a CAA must make use of the same.
While the subjects are not members of a CAA who plan
also make use of an Authorized Service
Agricola (CAA) must first grant authority.
For registrants who do not avail themselves of the assistance of a CAA
reporting on their own, the Administration has set up on the site
Internet www.sian.it, in the forms accessible to
anyone, a feature available for free printing of a
reporting model in white. With this function, the
offices of the regions, provinces and municipalities, as well as' all
paying agencies may make available to the white models
reporting on their own they do not have a personal computer.
This model must 'be downloaded and used in the original
because of it, and 'printed a bar code (barcode) that will act as'
by unique identifier.
Shall be admissible solely templates downloaded
original, bearing the unique bar code and reporting the extreme
the identification of which is attached to the photocopy
The parties responsible only to the declaration of the grape harvest
(panel C) must complete the same with reference to the
Province in which they are located the vineyards, which are
You were obtained grapes covered by the declaration itself. If a single
vineyard lies in the different provinces, the applicant shall submit a
statement for each province.
The parties responsible only to the production declaration
wine (under G) must complete the same with reference to the
Province in which they are located plants
winemaking. If the person concerned has plants in different provinces, must
file a tax for each Province.
The stakeholders of the filing of the statement
viticultural (grape harvest and wine production) must complete
same with reference to the Province in which they are
located vineyards and / or the wine-making, as
indicated previously. If the person concerned has vineyards and facilities
Different provinces, shall provide a declaration for each
For those who have made a purchase and / or processing of
products upstream of wine and gave them up completely before 30
November, the declaration must be drawn regarding the
Province in the territory 'located downtown brokerage.
If after the presentation there had been changes
with the statement presented, the registrant and 'must
submit a subsequent declaration in lieu of the above,
provided that the submission is made by the date of 10 December.
In this case, the registrant must indicate the new
statement next to the preprinted words "statement
replacing No statement ......... ", the code number
identification bar of the statement that you are replacing.
Therefore, the substitute declaration must be completed on a
Another model embodying an identification code different from that
the declaration already 'previously sent AGEA.
Community legislation on the returns
wine, contemplates sanctions laid down in Articles. 12 and 13 of Reg.
EC no. 1282/2001 for the statements made or omitted
subsequent to December 10, or incomplete and / or inaccurate.
Remains, in any case, the valid national sanction provided
art. 9 paragraph 1 of the Decree. n. 260 of 10/08/2000.
WINE (Grape harvest and wine production)
Table A - Data relating to the identification of the declarant.
Section I (Personal Data)
If COMPANY PERSONAL tick the appropriate box.
For natural persons, indicate the tax code or CUAA (Code
unique farm) mandatory, VAT, surname and
name, sex, date of birth, the City and the Province, or
the foreign country of birth, domicile or registered office (address,
number, municipality, C.A.P. Province).
For legal persons indicate the tax code or CUAA
(Unique code farm) compulsory VAT registration, the
business name, domicile or head office.
It is noted that in the case in which the seat of the plant
wine is coincident with the domicile or head office of the
registrant is not required to fill in Annex A1. The Annex
must ', however, be completed in the case of premises which do not coincide or
more 'establishments.
In this section, must also 'be given the
generality 'of the legal representative first and last name, social security number,
domicile, place of residence, date and place of birth) of the company
if this is a legal person.
In the case of a sole proprietorship, the data relating to the representative
office should be given only if the certificate of
the VAT registration the name of the subject of
tax does not coincide exactly with the name and surname of the owner.
Section II (information about registrants who have
declaration of harvesting grapes)
Indicate in the appropriate boxes, the total area under vines in
production (hectares and ares) conducted by the registrant, specifying
to property 'and that done for other reasons (eg. rent,
loan or other). The surfaces shown are
exclusively to the declaration in question. The same conductor
can 'provide other / s statement / the surface of his
properties' or in conduction ricadenti in other province for which
and 'must submit a separate statement.
In addition, and 'need to enter the code for the City Mayor and the
abbreviation of the province where 'the harvested grapes.
In the case of deposits made in more 'municipalities report that in
where the quantity 'of grape harvest and' prevalent.
Does the totality 'grape harvest' was sold or
attributed to a single subject. If so bring back the data
identifiers in the line below and fill out the picture E.
The manufacturers who supply and / or give the grapes are harvested by more 'than
a subject and fill in the picture and the A2.
The surfaces shown are based exclusively on the
declaration in question. The same wire can 'present
other / s statement / the surface of his property 'or
run falling in other province and for which 'must
submit a separate statement.
The area planted and 'calculated in accordance with the instructions contained
Article One of the Ministerial Decree of July 26, 2000
(published in the Official Gazette no. 220 of 20 September 2000).
Section III (information about registrants who have
Statement of wine production)
Please indicate, by ticking the appropriate boxes if the registrant and 'a
single winemaker or a wine producer associated
(social and cooperative cellar). If the declarant and 'producer
indicate whether the individual wine and / or other products upstream of wine
were obtained from: - own grapes - grapes and / or other
products upstream of wine purchased. Please tick both boxes if
existence of the two previous conditions.
Picture B - List of attachments
Please tick the relevant Annexes compiled and specify
the number.
To the number of attachments F1 from its suppliers be
added any F1, compiled by yourself and summary of
amount 'of total grapes sold to private entities (users do not
fermenters) in turn obliged to provide the
declaration as from the same grapes and 'an achievable
quantity of wine under 10 Hl, which is not 'state and will not be'
marketed in any form.
Section C - Data for the grape harvest
This part must be completed by the persons specified in
general warnings that collect the grapes used to produce
of table wine, IGT wine, quality wine psr and other destinations.
N.B. The producers of table grapes destined for musts
used for the purposes authorized to the exclusion of winemaking
must declare the same in Attachment M2. The relative
the sale will be set out in Annex F4.
N.B. The producers of table grapes dual purpose
for wine-making must declare surplus of
same grapes in Attachment M1 (Art. 28 of Reg. 1493/99 of
Council and Ministerial Decree of 19 December 2000). The relative
the sale will be set out in Annex F3.
Section I (Grape harvest)
Enter the quantity '(hundreds of kg.) And the grape harvest
its surface of origin (in hectares and ares) for each
category of vineyards. It should be noted that the quantities of grape must
rounded indicated: by default, that 'unity' lower for
quantities between 1 and 49 kg; excess, that 'unity'
higher for quantities between 50 and 99 kg. By way of
example 449 kg shall be identified as 4 (kg x 100), while 450
will be referred to as 5 kg (kg x 100).
In line C1 must indicate the quantity of grapes (white,
black, total) from vineyards for table wine and its
C2 should be reported to the staff of the quantities of grapes from
vineyards for wine IGT and its
At the C3 line listing the quantities of grapes from
vineyards for psr to make wine as table wine or wine to
typical geographical indication as grapes exceed the limit of
yield (kg per hectare) allowed by the specification.
In line C4 should be reported:
- Column 3, the total amounts indicated in lines C1, C2, C3;
- Column 4, the total of the areas indicated in lines C1 and C2;
At the C5 line listing the quantities of grapes destined to
give psr and its surface.
In columns 5, 6 and 7 must be specified, for each
category of products obtained from grapes from the destination
grapes (wine-making on their own, transfer or other destinations).
The registrant who compiled Schedule C and shall dispose of all grapes
collected to a single subject, which is not a membership organization and
who did not buy grapes and / or other products upstream of
wine (not to be relied fill in the picture E) shall enter the
his signature in the space provided at the bottom of the second page; and '
still be required to fill in Annex F1 must
delivered to the consignee of the product.
It is clarified that, as regards the grapes classified
dual purpose (wine and table) the relative quantities
admitted to the wine can not exceed 10000 kg / ha when
is obtained from grape vines "Queen" and "Queen of the Vineyards"
cultivated within the Province of Chieti and 4000 kg / ha
when it comes to grape vine "Moscato di Terracina" collection
within the Province of Latina.
Section II (Statement vineyards)
This section should be completed only if the person who
submitted the declaration of areas under vines is different
by the registrant listed in Table A of Section I and who compiled
Section I of the Framework C.
Must state the Fiscal Code and VAT number of the
party submitting the declaration of areas under vines
completed with the identification code of the declaration the
pre-code contained in the statement of the model
area planted). If registrants (conductor of the vineyards)
are not in possession of the identification code may be omitted
the indication of the same.
It should be used one line for each statement
surface to refer to.
In the space relative to the surface, for each declaration
in area, shall be given only the part of
conduct surface from which the grapes' was collected.
If the section and 'insufficient must be filled out
Annex C1, duly signed, to be sent together with the
If completing Section II, the reporting
is committed to ensure the completion of the forms of
updating the declaration of vineyards in accordance with the
mode 'and the time required by the respective Regional resolutions.
Picture D - Summary of product data received
The picture D must be filled out by those who have received grapes
and / or other products upstream of wine. To receive means both
products purchased by stating that those conferred by
its members.
This framework should return the list of quantities' and
of the surfaces obtained by making the sum of the data contained in the
individual attachments F1 (proof of delivery) completed by each
supplier and, in the case of wineries, the data contained in
F2 individual attachments (certificate of delivery of the replacement
This part must be completed by persons who have
received and possibly processed products upstream of wine and them
have completely sold before 30 November.
Picture E - Summary of data relating to products sold
The framework and must be filled out by those who have sold grapes
and / or other products upstream of wine. To ceded means both
products sold by the registrant that those assigned to a body
This framework should return the summary made from
and the data on quantity 'and areas contained in
individual attachments F1 (proof of delivery), compiled by
the registrant.
This part must be completed by persons who do not
are required to complete part C for the collection
grapes but having had the availability 'of upstream products
Wine gave them up completely before November 30.
Quadro G - Data on operations of winemaking
This part must be completed by those who have
operations of processing of grapes and / or other products upstream of
wine, even if those products were sold before 30
November. In the latter case, registrants must fill
only Section II and, as appropriate, in Sections III and IV.
N.B. The subjects who received wine and / or other upstream products
wine, from the surplus of grapes dual purpose,
must complete Annex M1.
N.B. Individuals who have obtained must for grape juice in
From table grapes, must complete the attached M2.
Section I (coefficient obtained in the transformation of grapes into
wine, excluding the volume of M.C. and m.c.r. used and
Please indicate the categories table wine, IGT wine psr and the
transformation coefficient obtained in step grapes in
wine lees, excluding the amount 'may have been used
the production of concentrated must and rectified concentrated grape must and
quantities' of concentrated musts and rectified concentrated grape must
used for enrichment.
Section II (Products introduced in the basement including those used
for the production of products upstream of wine sold before 30
Please indicate in hectoliters of wine lees and for different categories
wine (table wine, IGT wine and quality wines psr) quantities' of
products used in winemaking (grape musts including
might be used in concentration and new wine still in
fermentation), and their area of origin in hectares and ares.
It should be noted that the quantities should be reported
used or introduced for the production of products sold before
of 30 November.
Section III (concentrated musts and rectified concentrated obtained
the concentration)
Specify the quantity in hectoliters of wine lees musts
used to produce either itself or through a third party musts
concentrated and rectified concentrated grape must and the quantities of
concentrated and rectified concentrated obtained in hectoliters of
Section IV (concentrated musts and rectified concentrated use
for enrichment)
Return for each of the two categories of wine, table and
Psr, the quantity in hectoliters of product musts
concentrated and rectified concentrated and used for enrichment.
Section V (Wine made products upstream of wine and grape juice
held to 30/11)
Column 1 must 'state the figure for
total quantity of wine obtained from the beginning of
campaign until the November 30, although the same in
Meanwhile, and 'state, in whole or in part, consumed or sold.
Columns (2-3-4-5-6) shall apply only to products other than wine
held on 30 November.
In lines G16 and G17 must be written, respectively, the
quantities of grape juice and grape juice concentrates.
Section VI (concentrated musts and rectified concentrated held at
The concentrated must and rectified concentrated grape must held
the date of November 30, to be given in this section, expressed
hectoliters of the product and must cover both of those
ongoing campaign to those of previous years.
Register loading and unloading
For recordings of loading and unloading and 'shows the diagram of
register that can 'only be used by growers who
vinify only their own grape production without making
the purchase of other products, and provided that they do not carry
the increase in the alcoholic strength, acidification,
acidification, sweetening, cutting, bottling,
distillation, the production of sparkling wine, sparkling wine
aerated, the preparation of liqueur wine, the development of
concentrated grape must, whether or not rectified,
the development of fortified wines, other processes involving the addition of
alcohol, transformation into flavored wine.
Those who are entitled will take care to fill in the load register
and discharge, indicating the data stored at 31
July and producing wine and wine product as shown in
G under Section V of the declaration winemaking at 30
Please note that the Columning related to "description of
tasks and notes "must 'be used to identify not only
the type of recording but also the eventual identification of
quality 'of wine products registered.
The winemakers who make a number of operations that do not
can be accounted for on the sheet - register, shown on the
reporting model, should be in possession of a regular register
loading and unloading, previously endorsed by the Regional Offices
central inspectorate responsible for fraud crackdown
The log sheet to be valid, it must be endorsed,
Alternatively, regions, municipalities, Bodies Paying
Regional Offices by peripheral central inspectorate
fraud or repression by the CAA.
Annex F1 (Certificate Delivery grapes or grape)
It must be completed by those who yield grapes and / or other products
upstream of wine, and that their purchase. This' means that the
form must be completed by:
- Producer of grapes that sells all or part of their harvest;
- Producer of other products upstream of wine, own or purchased,
which transfers part or all of the products obtained;
- The person who gives the grapes and / or other products upstream of wine not
their production.
N.B. Those, however, who deliver the totality 'of its own
grapes to a body of association must complete the attached F2.
The establishment of Annex F1 'on the supplier, the
which 'shall submit to the purchaser of the product
the signed original within 6 days prior to the deadline
deadline for submission of the "Statement".
The provider must not enter their attachment to F1
statement of collection; and 'the responsibility of the recipient to enter
all attachments of the various suppliers to the declaration of
collection and production.
The only exception is when the supplier sells grapes to private
not winemakers get that quantity of wine of less than 10 hl
which may not be marketed either in part; of
this case, the supplier must provide a model F1 Summary
the quantities sold to these types of buyers.
A1 and A2 Framework Framework (Data for identification of the
supplier and recipient)
The data shown in these pictures must be the same
those reported by the supplier and the recipient, in relation to
data, in panel A of Section I of the respective
statements wine.
In the event that the declarant shall complete in just an attachment F1
Summary of the amount 'of total grapes sold to individuals
private (users do not winemakers, v. B List under Annexes)
report, under the A2 field name and surname, the word "Sale
small quantities "tick the box" User not
winemaker. "
The registrant and 'still required to indicate in the list
buyers Annex A2, the identification of those at
which sold the grapes.
Indicate the province of origin of the grapes and / or other
products upstream of wine; write 'FOREIGN' if the
product coming from another EU country. If the
supplier delivers the products produced in Italy and products obtained in
EU countries must complete two separate models F1, also
when referring to the same recipient.
Section C (Statement of vineyards)
The compilation of such a framework and 'made only in cases where
the producer of grapes yields grapes of its own production, and that 'in the case
compilation of Annex by the producer of grapes yields
part or all of their harvesting.
The mode 'compilation of this framework are those contained
in the instructions for completing part C of Section II of the
statement of the grape harvest.
Picture F (Data relating to products delivered (sold or transferred or
This should include the quantity 'and surfaces by category
product of all products sold to the address indicated in the
under A2.
Annex F2 (Certificate of delivery of the replacement statement
the grape harvest)
This certificate must be completed in lieu of
statement of the grape harvest, from the members that give the
totality 'of the grapes produced to a single body associative
Therefore, those who fill out the attached F2 does not have to fill in the
declaration of picking grapes.
Annex F2, completed and signed by the supplier who will retain '
a copy of itself, will be 'sent to the recipient during the
harvest period and at least 10 days before the deadline
final deadline for submission of the "Statement".
Framework A1 (Data for identification of the partner supplier)
Section I (Personal Data)
This should include the generality 'of the partner supplier
If COMPANY PERSONAL tick the appropriate box.
For natural persons, indicate the tax code or CUAA (Code
unique farm) mandatory, VAT, surname and
name, sex, date of birth, the City and the Province, or
the foreign country of birth, domicile or registered office (address,
number, municipality, C.A.P. Province).
For legal persons indicate the tax code or CUAA
(Unique code farm) compulsory VAT registration, the
business name, domicile or head office.
In this section, must also 'be given the
generality 'of the legal representative first and last name, social security number,
domicile, place of residence, date and place of birth) of the company
if this is a legal person. The display is
listed on the second page of the Annex.
In the case of a sole proprietorship, the data relating to the representative
office should be given only if the certificate of
the VAT registration the name of the subject of
tax does not coincide exactly with the name and surname of the owner.
Section II (Information relating to land under vine in the social
Indicate in the appropriate boxes, the total area under vines in
production (hectares and ares) conducted by the partner supplier
specifying the properties of 'and that done for other reasons
(rent, loan or otherwise). The surfaces shown are
only Annex in question.
In addition, and 'need to enter the code for Mayor, the City and the
abbreviation of the province where the amount 'of picking grapes and' found
A2 Framework (Data for identification of the organism
Enter the tax code, the game VAT and the name
body association which 'was sold totality' grapes.
Section C (Details of grapes harvested by the shareholder)
Section I (Grape harvest)
This should include the amount '(hundreds of kg.) Of grapes
collection and related areas of origin (in hectares and ares) to
each category of the vineyards of grapes harvested and sold by the shareholder
fully associative body.
For mode 'compilation, see the instructions for
completing part C of the declaration of the grape harvest.
Section II (Statement of vineyards)
For mode 'compilation of such a framework by shareholders
which give the totality 'grapes produced to a single body
associations are subject to the instructions for completing part C
Section II of the statement of the grape harvest.
Attachments M1, M2, F3, F4
Annexes M1 and F3 (MD August 6, 1997, published in the
Official Journal of 26 August 1997 n. 198) are reserved
Only the statement of the manufacturer of the
variety '' Moscato di Terracina "produced from grapes in the province of
Latin America and the variety '"Queen" and "Queen of vineyards" produced
in the province of Chieti in excess quantities' to the maximum permissible
yield a table wine provided by Art. 2 of the Ministerial Decree of 19
December 2000:
- For brewed from grapes for wine making
- The grapes for processing into grape to grape juice.
Individuals who have produced and / or purchased grapes for table and / or
must be obtained from table grapes must complete the enclosed M2 and
Annex F4, in the case of the sale of the grapes themselves.
Annex M1 (dual-purpose grapes for wine-making or
for processing into juice for juice)
This attachment must be filled out by those who have produced
and / or purchased dual-purpose grapes for wine making
or for processing into juice for juice.
Shall also be 'obliged to fill those persons who have
the company purchased grapes dual purpose for the
wine and were sold before 30 November.
Annex M1 is to be transmitted in the same mode 'of
presentation given in the general notes to the statement
winemaking, along with the first page of the model
the declaration (panel A and panel B).
Table A (Data for identification of the registrant)
It must contain the data and must be completed by all
the parties responsible. Section C (Data for the grape harvest
Section I (The grapes are dual-purpose)
This should include the amount 'and the surface of the grapes
dual purpose for wine-making.
Should also be 'specified grapes for wine-making in
own and / or disposal.
Section II (Statement vineyards)
The mode 'compilation of this framework are those contained
in the instructions for completing part C of Section II of the
statement of the grape harvest.
Panel D and E
They shall be the amount 'with the corresponding surfaces of the grapes
bought and sold.
Quadro G (Data for the vinification of grapes dual
It should disclose the amount of grapes dual purpose,
distinct from those of its origin and those purchased
used for processing into wine as well as' the wine obtained
its surface.
Appendix F3 (Certificate of delivery of the grapes dual purpose
for wine-making)
It must be completed by those who yield grapes dual
aptitude for wine making or processing in
must for juices.
Annex F3, completed and signed by the supplier who will retain '
a copy of itself, will be 'sent to the recipient at least 6
days before the deadline for the submission of
The provider must not enter their attachment to the F3
statement of collection; and 'the responsibility of the recipient to enter
all attachments of the various suppliers to the declaration of
collection and production.
Paintings A1 and A2
Should include the identification of the supplier and the
the recipient.
Section C (Statement of vineyards)
The compilation of such a framework and 'made only in cases where
the producer of grapes yields grapes of its own production, and that 'in the case
compilation of Annex by the producer of grapes yields
part or all of their harvesting.
The mode 'compilation of this framework are those contained
in the instructions for completing part C of Section II of the
statement of the grape harvest.
Picture F (Data for the dual purpose grapes delivered)
This should include the amount 'and the surfaces of the grapes
disposed of.
Annex M2 (table grapes for processing into juice)
This attachment must be filled out by those who have produced
and / or purchased from table grapes for processing into juice
for grape juices. Shall also be 'compelled to fill the
individuals who have made a purchase of grapes for table purposes
processing into juice and have sold before 30
Annex M2 must be transmitted in the same mode 'of
presentation given in the general notes to the statement
winemaking, along with the first page of the model
the declaration (panel A and panel B).
Table A (Data for identification of the declarant).
It must contain the data and must be completed by all
the parties responsible.
Section C (Data for the harvest of the grapes for the table).
Section I (Grape harvest)
This should include the amount 'and the surface of the grapes
table for processing into juice.
Should also be 'specified grapes for processing into
must own and / or disposal.
Section II (Statement of vineyards)
The mode 'compilation of this framework are those contained
in the instructions for completing part C of Section II of the
statement of the grape harvest.
Panels D and E
They shall be the amount 'with the corresponding surfaces of the grapes
bought and sold.
Quadro G (Data for processing into juice)
It should disclose the amount of grapes for table, separate
between those of its origin and those purchased, used for the
transformation must as well as 'the amount' of must obtained with the
its total area.
Appendix F4 (Certificate of delivery of grapes destined for the table
transformation must for grape juice)
It must be completed by those who yield grapes destined for the table
to the transformation in the must for grape juices.
Annex F4, completed and signed by the supplier who will retain '
a copy of itself, will be 'sent to the recipient at least 6
days before the deadline for the submission of
The provider must not enter their attachment to the F4
statement of collection; and 'the responsibility of the recipient to enter
all attachments of the various suppliers to the declaration of
collection and production.
Paintings A1 and A2
Should include the identification of the supplier and the
the recipient.
Section C (Statement of vineyards)
The compilation of such a framework and 'made only in cases where
the producer of grapes yields grapes of its own production, and that 'in the case
compilation of Annex by the producer of grapes yields
part or all of their harvesting.
The mode 'compilation of this framework are those contained
in the instructions for completing part C of Section II of the
statement of the grape harvest.
Picture F (Data from table grapes delivered)
This should include the amount 'and the surfaces of the grapes
disposed of.
Annex F4 will be 'filled in by the supplier, who will retain' a
copy itself and transmits it 'to the recipient at least 6 days before
the deadline for the submission of
The recipient, attach 'the original to its declaration
to be sent according to the procedures' presentation and a copy
party supplier.
Annex A1 - Plants wine
It must be completed by those in the province have
used for the processing operations, more 'establishments
wine. It must also be 'filled in if the only plant
wine does not coincide with the domicile / registered office listed in the
In the context of Section I of the declaration. In this Annex shall be
Also included are establishments outside the province where they are
stocked products for processing.
Table A (Data for reporting)
Bring back the tax code, VAT number and name or business name
social indicated in Table A - Section I of the Declaration of
wine production.
Panel B. (Data concerning the winery)
Enter address, telephone number, Istat code, name of the
municipality, province, C.A.P. the winery.
Annex A2 - List buyers
It must be completed by those who yield grapes and / or other products
upstream of wine. Not to be filled by those who fill out the attached
F2 or who sells the product in a single crop
Table A (Data for reporting)
Bring back the tax code, VAT number and name or business name
social indicated in Table A - Section I of the Declaration of
the collection.
Panel B. (Data for all 'bids)
Bring back the tax code, VAT number and full name or business name
social indicated in the Framework of the A2 model F1, address, phone,
Istat code, town, county, C.A.P ..
The identity of the buyer should also be entered
in the case of the sale of small quantities (F1 attachment from
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